Friday, November 21, 2008

Cold Remedy Tips for an Infant

I'll just mention that I am not a doctor or nurse, but being a mother of 2 children under the age of 4 years old, I have learned a few things.

My 4 1/2 month baby boy has recently contracted a cold/flu. Although his cold has not been bad enough to require a doctor's visit, it is his first cold so the poor little guy is quite miserable.

Here's what I've found:
  1. Irrigate the nose with saline that blue thing they gave you at the hospital. I think I have like 5 or 6 of them laying around.
  2. Use Vicks vapor rub or something similar
  3. Bathe in warm water with a vapor solution in the bath - you can find this at any store selling baby stuff.
  4. Keep baby relatively warm without over dressing
  5. Give Infant Tylenol every 4 hours to relieve fever and aches and pains
  6. If you breast feed, that is the best for him because you're giving him all your immunities.
The worst of it is that he is coughing a lot. I do know that coughing is actually good for them because it gets the mucus out and doesn't let it settle in the chest which can cause pneumonia. However, his coughing has caused him to frequently spit up his milk or breast milk. So, I've learned to not let him gorge himself and I feed him in short increments and then burp him which helps with him not spitting up everything he just drank.

Unfortunately, there is not much one can do for an infant with a cold because you can't give them any cold medicine. So, these are my best remedies.

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