Saturday, November 22, 2008

Good Older Brother

I couldn't be more pleased with the relationship my two boys have with each other. When I was expecting Kanoa many thoughts and worries raced through my mind as to how Keanu was going to interact with his baby brother. At first, Keanu was pretty reserved and would only look at Kanoa admiringly, but didn't want to touch him. But, that changed gradually. He would slowly touch Kanoa on the face by rubbing his cheeks and then kissing him on the head and then hugging. Now, it's like he is overly affectionate where it sometimes scares me as Keanu wants to hug Kanoa so much it looks like he is suffocating him. But, Kanoa doesn't seem to mind.

There is nothing more rewarding to watch a 3 year old and 5 month old baby interact by laying on the floor and laughing at each other. I truly believe they are going to be best friends. I can already see the kinship forming and Keanu, being the sweet, caring, and affectionate person that he is will always look out for his brother. Kanoa is also quite infatuated with Keanu and I must say when Keanu is in preschool I sense that he misses him.

It will be very interesting to see how they grow up together. My job, as their mother, is to promote a healthy relationship and to always be respectful and considerate to each other. Keanu epitomizes a "good older brother". When the angels sent me Keanu not only did they send me a baby that I longed for, but a good soul. I look to how I parent, but I can't seem to really take credit for his good nature. He was just born that way. I can only hope Kanoa will be as good a soul as his older brother.

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