I just watched a short documentary on a young girl giving up her twin babies and can’t imagine what it was like for my birth mother to give me up. Although I have no regrets I certainly do not wish the pain and sadness on anyone. I met my birth mother 10 years ago and she, in detail, told me of that fateful day. It was almost like she was reliving that day when she told me the story. I could see the pain and sadness on her face. As a mother, I could never give up my children. No way! But, I know some people have no choice or simply just wanting better for their children. My birth mother actually came from a very good family. Father was an Admiral in the Navy and happily married to her mother. But, like in many families things just happen that cannot be explained and for my birth mother the path she chose was to get pregnant and carry me to term and give me up for adoption for whatever reason. Could have been her parents. Could have been her simply wanting to forget my birth father. Could have been that she really wanted the best for me. But, for whatever reason, I think it was for the best despite some hardships I endured with my adoptive parents.
I am not sure what my point in writing this is, but all I know is that being adopted has been quite interesting. There are so many emotions involved with being the adoptee. I always wondered what my birth parents looked like, who they were, what they were doing. I found out in the year 2000 and so many things were finally explained. I suppose that story is for another night of writing. But, the emotions are like a roller coaster. I am at a point in my life right now though that I prefer no drama. I suppose with all the drama I had growing up, I simply cannot not tolerate it? Hmmm, food for thought.
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